Ear, Nose and Throat Health Tips for Elders

Child Grommets Surgery: What Parents Should Know

Navigating the world of childhood medical procedures can be daunting for parents. When it comes to grommets surgery, understanding the process and knowing what to expect can provide reassurance. This blog post aims to elucidate the key aspects of this common procedure.

Grommets Surgery: An Overview

Grommets surgery, also known as tympanostomy tube insertion, is a routine operation performed to alleviate chronic middle ear infections or persistent fluid build-up in children. It involves placing small tubes, called grommets, into the eardrum to allow air to enter the middle ear, improving hearing and reducing the risk of recurrent infections.

The Procedure: What Happens?


Before the surgery, a thorough examination is conducted to determine if grommets are the most suitable solution. Parents are advised to prepare their child by explaining the procedure in simple terms.


The procedure, generally lasting a couple of minutes, is performed under general anaesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision in the eardrum and inserts the grommet, which acts as a ventilation tube.


Post-surgery, children usually recover quickly. Some might experience minor ear discomfort or slight changes in hearing initially, but these symptoms typically subside within a few days.

Life with Grommets

Once grommets are in place, they significantly improve a child's quality of life. However, there are a few things parents should be aware of.

Water Precautions

While some doctors recommend avoiding water in the ears, others believe it's unnecessary. It's best to discuss this with the surgeon to understand the specific advice for your child.

Regular Check-ups

Regular follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor the grommets' position and the overall health of the ear.

Grommet Extrusion

Typically, grommets stay in place for six to twelve months and usually fall out naturally. If they don't, removal might be required.

The Benefits and Risks

Grommets offer numerous benefits, like improved hearing and reduced ear infections. However, like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks, including persistent ear discharge or the possibility of minor scarring on the eardrum. These risks are relatively low, and the benefits often outweigh them.

Grommets surgery is a common procedure with a high success rate, offering significant relief to children suffering from persistent ear problems. Being well-informed about the process can alleviate concerns and help prepare both parents and children for this journey. Remember, every child's needs are unique, and consultation with a healthcare professional is essential to understand the best course of action. With the right information and support, navigating through this process can be much less daunting.

Talk to a doctor to learn more about paediatric grommets surgery.
